Your seat backs and tray tables aren’t the only things that are up at this point: economic growth expectations are on the rise as we speak. Already, the U.S. economy was cruising at a healthy altitude – unusually healthy for this stage of the economic expansion’s life cycle, in fact: real (i.e., after inflation) GDP growth for the U.S. came in at a surprisingly chipper +3.1% for the 3rd quarter, versus economists’ consensus expectations of +2.6%, and the NY Federal Reserve’s GDPNow forecast is currently anticipating that Q4 will come in at a +3.0% reading. This is well ahead of the +1.75%-+2.0% that an extremely large, developed economy like the U.S. should reasonably be expected to sustain over the long-term.
3Q 2024 Market Letter
Some of you may already be familiar with the work of psychologist and popular TED talker Angela Duckworth on the concept of grit, which she refers to as “passion and perseverance for very long-term goals;” the dictionary, meanwhile, defines grit more broadly as an ability to display courage and resolve in the face of challenge.
From a pragmatic, “big picture” perspective, this could easily be making reference to the entire process of investing; certainly, this long-term practice we are pursuing together requires a healthy degree of grit from which to draw the courage, conviction, and discipline to prudently grow our clients’ wealth in pursuit of their – of your – most important long-term goals.
2Q 2024 Market Letter
Life In Purgatory: Not As Bad As You’d Think?
Certainly not the most comforting analogy, but apt, nonetheless, as we sit here, essentially trapped between two realms. On the one hand, stocks have been on a tear for nearly two years; now, seemingly-lofty valuations and historic highs in market concentration are causing some investors to anticipate a reversal of fortunes. With strong corporate earnings and no sign of an impending recession, however, the path of least resistance from here remains higher, nonetheless.
1Q 2024 Market Letter
Financial Planning
4Q 2023 Market Letter
Why the long face? Another year in the can, all wrapped up nice and festive with a pretty little bow, Santa Claus rally and all! Any investor with the nerve to complain that they did not get everything on their Christmas list should at least have been able to find solace in the market’s recent move to all-time highs, so let’s just keep the tidings of comfort and joy rolling all the way through 2024, right?!
3Q 2023 Market Letter
You’re no doubt hearing a lot about how remarkably “resilient” the U.S. economy has been looking lately. Despite the Fed’s move to hike interest rates sharply higher over the past 18 months, economic growth in the U.S. has managed to remain in positive territory in recent quarters, steadily exceeding economists’ expectations in the process.
2Q 2023 Market Letter
The Fed is on pause. No, wait! Cancel that: it may just have been a “skip” masquerading as a “pause.” Okay, so more interest rate hikes to come then. One? Two? Certainly not more than two!? And those 2023 rate cuts that markets have been pricing in since early March? Oh, okay; those are gone too now.
May 29th is National 529 Day
1Q 2023 Market Letter
Verily, ‘tis so! As the Ides of May grow nigh, investors are in a state of consternation to rival that of the Prince of Denmark himself as they ponder whether it be nobler – or financially more astute – to go “all-in” (Shakespeare, too, was apparently a big Texas Hold’em player) or move to the sidelines and check back in on the markets some time in the late Fall. If, perchance, either of those two extremes looks particularly appealing to you right now, I beg you heed my warning and reframe the question lest ye suffer the financial equivalent of a tragic ending.
Take Control of Your Finances: Celebrate Financial Literacy Month with These Essential Tips!
Financial literacy is vital for everyone, as it involves having a working knowledge of money management. Without essential financial skills like budgeting, investing, and retirement planning, life can become much more difficult. Financial Literacy Month provides an opportunity to prioritize financial literacy and take advantage of resources to improve your financial situation now and in the future. Here are 6 tips to help you get started.
The Washington State Supreme Court has ruled that the excise tax on capital gains is constitutional and valid. As such, the Department of Revenue will continue collecting the tax which is due April 18, 2023. A filing extension will be granted if the taxpayer files a federal extension and requests a Washington extension prior to the original due date, but the tax must still be paid in full by April 18th (April 15th in future years). Any tax paid after that date is subject to a late payment penalty of up to 29% of the tax due.
How to Eliminate Debt
Overview of Asset Safety Provisions Q&A
In light of recent events and heightened investor concerns with respect to the health and stability of the global financial system, we have prepared the following brief overview, with a specific emphasis on the provisions in place to provide for the safety of your assets. We continue to monitor the situation, which remains fluid day-to-day, and will provide updates as warranted. In the interim, we encourage you to give us a call if you have questions after reviewing the material herein.
As you have no doubt heard by now, the U.S. financial system has seen several bank failures over the past week, including its second-largest ever with the failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), which was taken over by regulators this past Friday. This followed the announcement middle of last week of the wind-down of Silvergate Bank and, in turn, has since been followed by the weekend takeover of Signature Bank by state regulators.
Ensuring the Future: A Concise Guide to Successful Business Succession Planning:
Business succession planning is a vital aspect of running any successful company. It involves creating a strategy for the transfer of ownership and management of a business when the current owner or leaders retire, pass away, or otherwise exit the company. This planning can be crucial for the long-term stability and success of the business and can have a significant impact on the personal finances and well-being of the owner and their family.
2023 Tax Facts
Every year, the Internal Revenue Service announces new tax brackets among other crucial credits and deductions that determine your tax rate for the upcoming year. However, the changes do not account for increased wages, which means that if you got a raise to keep up with inflation, you'll likely face the same tax rate as the prior year, all else equal. If your salary rose by more than the rate of inflation, you may fall under a higher tax bracket. But if your wages didn't keep up with inflation, you could end up in a lower tax bracket compared to 2021. The following tables present various tax facts adjusted for 2023 that you might be subject to.
2023 Limits
The tax law places limits on the dollar amount of contributions to retirement plans and IRAs and the amount of benefits under a pension plan. IRC Section 415 requires the limits to be adjusted annually for cost-of-living increases. The following table presents various limits adjusted for 2023 that you might be subject to.
4Q22 Market Letter
Hear ye, hear ye: Twenty Twenty-Three hereby demands a blood oath of undying loyalty! After all, that’s how it’s supposed to work, isn’t it? The people must throw their full, unquestioning support behind the new monarch before the body of the prior ruler is even cold. So, too, are we, as investors, expected to banish all of last year’s heartburn and frustration entirely from our memories into the disturbingly full dustbin of market history and pin all of our hopes and dreams to the prospects of the year if this were our first time being led down this particular garden path!
How to Avoid Scams
As distinct as we each are, we all appear the same to cyber security thieves: as fair game. To them, it’s about our Social Security numbers, birth dates, account login credentials, and other personal information. But by following a few simple, yet key steps, we can fight back against identity & data theft.